Can I Make Specific Deletion Requests?
Privacy Bee will do all that is lawfully possible to delete your information. Privacy Bee automatically begins with our list of 910+ Data Brokers and People Search Sites because we consider them an imminent threat to one's privacy and security. If you have a company that is a top concern, please send us the link, and we will try to prioritize the data removal request or offer guidance on how to trigger Privacy Bee to send a data removal request.
When you have those sites you find that you want to be moved up in priority or want your information removed from a site, please send in a request with the specific links or company name.
Some companies are not in our core site categories, and for those companies, you must actively request data deletions from them. This can include companies like Target, Macy's, and Netflix. For further guidance on requesting data removal from these companies and why we ask you to do so manually, look at "How Do I Configure My Trust Network And Privacy Preferences?".
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When you have those sites you find that you want to be moved up in priority or want your information removed from a site, please send in a request with the specific links or company name.
Some companies are not in our core site categories, and for those companies, you must actively request data deletions from them. This can include companies like Target, Macy's, and Netflix. For further guidance on requesting data removal from these companies and why we ask you to do so manually, look at "How Do I Configure My Trust Network And Privacy Preferences?".
Didn't find what you were looking for?
We provide a vast collection of support resources to help you make the most of your External Data Privacy protection with Privacy Bee.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact a customer support representative directly.
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Updated on: 03/11/2025
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