How Do I Add or Change a Method Of Payment?
Adding or changing a payment method is easy! You can start by opening the Billing page to change your payment method. At the top right of the horizontal nav bar, you will see your name and, when clicked, a drop-down will expand to show the menu as seen below.

After opening the billing menu, you should see something similar to the screen below. Once you reach this page, click the "Update Payment Method" button to cause a pop-up to appear.

When you see this pop-up, you must fill out your card information, including the cardholder name, card number, expiration date, and CVC, then click "Update Payment Method." It's that easy! Nothing to it! When you click the button to complete, the payment method should populate, and you are all set! | |
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After opening the billing menu, you should see something similar to the screen below. Once you reach this page, click the "Update Payment Method" button to cause a pop-up to appear.

When you see this pop-up, you must fill out your card information, including the cardholder name, card number, expiration date, and CVC, then click "Update Payment Method." It's that easy! Nothing to it! When you click the button to complete, the payment method should populate, and you are all set! | |
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Updated on: 12/04/2024
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