Articles on: Personal Licenses

How Do I Set Trusted and Negative Company Relationships?

If you are wondering what it means to trust a company, check out our "What does it mean to 'Trust' a company?" article! If you would like information about who to trust and how to change your trust status, please continue reading the article below.

Deciding which companies to trust is a personal decision for each of our customers. Overall, it is up to you to determine what companies you want to trust and what companies you want to mark as Negative. We provide data on many companies on their Company Profile Pages, which you can find via the company search bar.

For a quick walkthrough of how to view company pages and set your status with them, follow these steps:

.From the Excruciating Detail, please click the blue share icon beside any company name to go to a company profile page. Once on the company profile page, click the search bar above the purple Activity section and type in the company name.
Wait for the information to fill in, and click on the grey share icon to go to the company profile page.
Tick the box with an X to mark the company as Negative or Untrustworthy, *OR* Tick the box with a checkmark to mark it as Trusted.
Please tick the "Request they delete my data" box to have Privacy Bee submit a data removal request.
If you change your status with the company from Trusted to Negative and tick the "Request they delete my data" box, Privacy Bee will send a data removal request!

Keep reading for a more detailed walkthrough with screenshots to help you navigate!

You can find the blue share icon beside each company name on the Excruciating Detail page.

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After typing in the name of the company you wish to view, you will get a drop-down of matching companies we have pages for. If the company you are looking for is not on that list, click the "Request a Company to be Added" button! If it is, click on it! This will take you to the company page, as seen below.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 1.48.47 PM.jpeg

This page will provide the company's name, a link to their page, a description of our stance on them, the Privacy Bee Trust Score, and several other bits of information! The most important part of choosing who to trust is researching the company you wish to trust, which means exploring this page and sometimes even theirs.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 1.54.26 PM.jpeg

To change your trust status with the company you are viewing, you must toggle between the check mark for Trusted and X for Negative!

For further guidance on requesting data removal from companies that are not in our core data broker or people search site categories, take a look at "Configure Your Trust Network and Privacy."

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Updated on: 02/20/2025

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